Starting Power: Various, This ranges in between the power levels of the selected two races.
Appearance: A Hybrid's appearance is usually a mixture of their mother and father's racial features.
Background: A man and a woman fall in love or have a fling. Each from different races. POOF. There you are. Racial Biology: You're allowed to pick a maximum of four traits, the options are the traits of the two races you select.
Compatible Races: Humans, Saiyans, Demons, Tuffles, and Tatsujin Transformations: For Transformations you must pick one or the other of the two racial transformations. You will then have that transformation path. Transformations such as Oozaru are attached to the appropriate racial trait but you can't mix things such as Super Saiyan with the Tuffle's System Overclock Note: You can only use races that are specifically mentioned to be compatible on this page. God Transformations: Your God Transformation line comes from the same place as your normal transformations. When you choose your dominant transformation line you also choose your dominant God Transformation line.